Today a malta vai beber café, após o almoço, com o Best Friend, o Denzel Washington cá da PSA. Como também já referi o moçoilo é uma grande pausa e mete o Denzel dos States a um canto. A malta foi beber café together ali num “shopim” qualquer. Eis a conversa: Best Friend: amiga, os homens estão mais bonitos? Eu: Não! Best Friend: Eh pá! De ano para ano fico abismado! Eu: Eu também! Best Friend: É sempre melhor que o ano anterior. Este ano só vejo mulheres lindas, cuidadas, produzidas, um homem até se varalha! Eu: Pois! Best Friend: não vês o mesmo nos homens? Eu: Não my Dear Denzel. Fico abismada por ver tanto homem feio, mal cuidado e desleixado por metro quadrado. E ao contrário de ti, piora de ano para ano. Ele: … Entramos na loja e fomos comprar mais um par de tenis para a sua colecção. O meu Best Friend é uma Carrie que não aposta no Manolos mas aposta em vários tipos de ténis e adoro vê-lo assim ;) Não sei o que se passa, mas de ano para ano só vejo homens mal cuidados, desleix...
Almost every baby is interesting, interesting and charismatic, and not only until the age of a year and a half but until sometimes four or five...
Almost every baby comes out with that evolutionary attractive face like "how can you resist me!!!", "Don’t do anything to hurt me!!!" and "it’s easy to love me..." and then what happens is that we are weaker in our ability to control the environment as we have life experiences.
It is beneficial for the preservation of the species and thus, for that little baby, (who really makes a lot of noise that first year and a half or three or five), to be cute and adorable, and that ability to captivate anybody that walks by and looks at that beautiful baby its pure charisma, because the little one doesn’t even have to speak, just a smile is enough to have an audience!!!
Now tell me, Jiminy_Cricket, isn’t that what charisma is all about, isn’t that interesting?
How can you say that we are only interesting until the age of one year and a half? What about the rest of our childhood?
If we look to human being like a researcher that is making a survey, what will we see?
From the birth time until 1 year and a half, human being don´t have the concept of their existence, they’re only an extension of their mom’s breast (that could be “kind” of interesting), after that they achieve the knowledge that they actually exist..... It’s the sensorio-motor stage (the land of “ TO BE”; discovering that he exists and the world exists as well).
Now let’s talk about childhood:
Every human being passes through several stages. At childhood human beign has already left the sensorio-motor stage, so he starts the other stages: pre-operational stage; concrete operations stage; formal operations stage. Tell me something here that is different?! All human beings go through it! Boring?! And I’m not going to talk about adolescense or even adult issues...
If we take a look on this issue, not with a rational view but with a sentimental perspective ( I understood that it was your perspective), things are different: we look to a baby and when he squeezes a rubber ducky it goes “quack.” That’s great, so he will do it again, and again, and again... or maybe he will blow a bouble when he discovers his mouth... . It’s very interesting to see that he’s discovering the world and himself so we feel enchanted with that and and we think “oh, my baby can do it”. But there is nothing new on that, because all human beings go through it when they are developing. Boring?!
About charisma: to me, interesting is to have someone standing in front of me with charisma. Babies? They all have it (which is a little bit boring); find me a baby without charisma and then, yes, then we’ll be talking about something interesting.